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EnviroMonitor Gateway

Davis Instruments is a leader in smart-sensing for agriculture. The Davis EnviroMonitor Gateway allows you to create an array of sensors to monitor micro-climate conditions in your crops. This allows you to take precise actions to ensure the greatest yield. The EnviroMonitor Gateway is a hub that allows you to connect up to 32 Nodes with four sensors per Node. It then automatically uploads the data to the Cloud via cellular connection, where you can access it to make crop management decisions. The Davis EnviroMonitor Gateway allows you to collect data from a cabled Vantage Pro2 GroWeather Sensor Suite and a long list of Davis and third-party sensors.

  • Collects all essential data from EnviroMonitor Nodes and pushes it securely to the Cloud server via LTE cellular connectivity.
  • Access your data on your phone, tablet and computer on WeatherLink.com, WeatherLink mobile app and the ag-focused Mobilize app, 24/7.
  • Add up to 32 Nodes with up to four sensors each and any cabled Vantage Pro2 sensor suite; choose from 100+ Davis and third-party sensors.
  • 5-watt solar panel provides ample power; rechargeable 6-volt provides backup.
  • On WeatherLink.com, set alarms and email notification for high and low weather conditions.
  • Self-contained in a weather-resistant shelter that protects electronics.
  • Add 8 dBi Long-Range Antenna (7678) to get communication range of up to 10,000’/3,000m.
  • EnviroMonitor App walks you through easy installation using your phone’s Bluetooth function.